Tuesday 12 November 2019



Cultural Geography is a subfield of Human Geography which focuses “upon the patterns and interactions of human culture, both material and non-material, in relation to the natural environment and the human organization of space” (Cosgrove 1994). ... Sauer defined the landscape as the defining unit of geographic study.

                                                  Image result for define culture in geography

structure of culture

                                                 Institutionalization of culture represents a process through which the cultural assumptions, values, and norms in an organization are being built in its structure .

Image result for structure of culture

Types of culture : 

                                                     From the Competing Values Framework 4 organizational culture types emerged: Clan culture, Adhocracy culture, Market culture and Hierarchy culture.
  • Clan Culture. This working environment is a friendly one. ...
  • Adhocracy Culture. This is a dynamic and creative working environment. ...
  • Market Culture. ...
  • Hierarchy Culture.

Image result for types of culture

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