Friday 1 November 2019

Ellen chuchill Sample

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                                                 ELLEN CHURCHILL SAMPLE 

    >           She was pupil of ratzal .

    >          Follower of env.determinism theory .
    >          all of her work for theory  of  Env. Determinism .
   >             Ellen Churchill Semple (January 8, 1863 – May 8, 1932) was an American geographer and the first female president of the Association of American Geographers. She contributed significantly to the early development of the discipline of geography in the United States, particularly studies of human geography.

 >               She contributed significantly to the early development of the discipline of geography in the United States, particularly studies of human geography.

 >           What established Semple as a true geographer was her outstanding field work and research into the people of the Kentucky highlands. For over a year, Semple explored the mountains of her home state and discovered niche communities that had not changed much since they were first settled. The English spoken in some of these communities still carried a British accent. This work was published in 1901 in the article "The Anglo-Saxons of the Kentucky Mountains, a Study in Anthropogeography" in the Geographical Journal.
Semple's writing style was a literary one and she was a fascinating lecturer, which encouraged interest in her work. In 1933, Semple disciple Charles C. Colby wrote about the impact of Semple's Kentucky article, "Probably this brief article has fired more American students to interest in geography than any other article ever written."
There was a strong interest in Ratzel's ideas in America so Ratzel encouraged Semple to make his ideas known to the English-speaking world. He asked that she translate his publications but Semple did not agree with Ratzel's idea of the organic state so she decided to publish her own book based on his ideas. American History and Its Geographic Conditions was published in 1903. It gained wide acclaim and was still required reading in many geography departments across the United States in the 1930s.

 >        Ellen Churchill Semple. Man is a product of the earth's surface.

Image result for ellen churchill semple

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