Wednesday 30 October 2019

Introduction to Environment

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What is an Environment ? 

                                        Environment is everything that is around us.It includes physical, chemical and other natural forces. Living things live in their environment. They constantly interact with it and adapt themselves to conditions in their environment.

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Components of Environment :
Major components of the environment include – Natural Components like, Land (Lithosphere), Water (Hydrosphere), Air (Atmosphere), Living things (Organism).Human made Components like, buildings, parks, bridge, road, industries etc.Humans like, individuals, family, community, religion, politics, education.
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TYPES of Environment :
From a biological point of view, all environments in the Universe can be categorized into one of three types: uninhabitable, uninhabited habitat or inhabited habitat.

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Importance of environment :

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                                                    Environment plays an important role in the healthy living of human beings. it matters because it is the only home that humans have, and it provides air, food, and other needs. Humanity's entire life support system depends on the well-being of all the environmental factors..   

Various historians had touched on environmental themes throughout history, but it was not recognized as a specific field. The modern environmental history becomes known in the late 1960s and early 1970s in union with the rise of environmentalism as a social movement. Climate is often measured a part of environmental history, and surely shares many areas of study. The period 1962 to 1970 observed slow grinding down in the popularity of the word “conservation,” as man by himself replaced trees and wildlife as the threatened class. Overpopulation and industrialization trapped mankind in weakening environment. The damage was threatening to the very survival of man. Environmentalism gained strength as a movement dedicated to ending- and if possible-reversing this decline in the human environment.Environment plays an important role in the healthy living of human beings. it matters because it is the only home that humans have, and it provides air, food, and other needs. Humanity's entire life support system depends on the well-being of all the environmental important role in the healthy living of human beings. it matters because it is the only home that humans have, and it provides air, food, and other needs. Humanity's entire life support system depends on the well-being of all the environmental  
Various historians had touched on environmental themes throughout history, but it was not recognized as a specific field. The modern environmental history becomes known in the late 1960s and early 1970s in union with the rise of environmentalism as a social movement. Climate is often measured a part of environmental history, and surely shares many areas of study. The period 1962 to 1970 observed slow grinding down in the popularity of the word “conservation,” as man by himself replaced trees and wildlife as the threatened class. Overpopulation and industrialization trapped mankind in weakening environment. The damage was threatening to the very survival of man. Environmentalism gained strength as a movement dedicated to ending- and if possible-reversing this decline in the human environment.
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           Save the enviornment for our coming generation .......................

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Environment is an  essential need of life .

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