Thursday 31 October 2019


                                  Migration also called Human Mobility 

             Human migration is the movement of people from one place to another with the intentions of settling, permanently or temporarily at a new location. The movement is often over long distances and from one country to another, but internal migration is also possible; indeed, this is the dominant form globally. 

                            Image result for migration

  > Types of Migration : 
Image result for migration                                                                             
     Basically there are 4 main types of migration ...
 1       Rural  to rural
 2        Rural  to urban 

 3       Urban to urban 

 4       Urban to Rural

 > Further types are in the helping flowchart 


Image result for types of migration

>Causes of Migration 
       1 Pull Factors 

       2 Push factors or Forced 
       & these factors are following  ..............

        Causes of Migration
Employment opportunities are the most common reason due to which people migrate. Except this, lack of opportunities, better education, construction of dams, globalization, natural disaster (flood and drought) and sometimes crop failure forced villagers to migrate to cities .

 1. Pull factors are the reasons why people are attracted or pulled to a particular area. They are usually voluntary migrations: better services. good climate.
 2. They are usually involuntary or forced migrations:
  • crop failure.
  • drought.
  • flooding.
  • high crime.
  • lack of services.
  • lack of safety.
  • poverty.
  • war.


Image result for causes of migration

> Effects of Migration 

A richer and more diverse cultureIncreasing cost of services such as health care and education
Helps to reduce any labour shortagesOvercrowding
Migrants are more prepared to take on low paid, low skilled jobsDisagreements between different religions and cultures

Image result for effects of migration

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